Equine Solutions takes every responsibility to look after all personal data seriously, and to comply with the laws concerning data protection.
Names & contact details (address, telephone numbers & email addresses).
Equine's details such as name, age, height & history (to include both clinical & work history).
Address of livery yard, your equine's place of residence.
Details of your veterinary practice & other professionals such as farrier & dentist.
Details of services & treatments provided including invoice details.
Records of your interactions with Equine Solutions, such as telephone conversations, text messages, emails & contact via our website or social media.
The basis for processing this information is for the purpose of entering into and performing the contract between us. This enables Equine Solutions to provide massage therapy and treatments to your equine.
Additional information may also be provided by third parties authorised by yourself, such as veterinary practice.
Your data is primarily stored electronically, together with paper copies of essential forms & documents. All appropriate security measures are in place to protect against any unauthorised access, loss or damage.
When you contact us to book any treatment, your details will be checked against the information currently held to ensure it is correct.
Data will be retained for the period of time during which you remain a client of Equine Solutions. Equine Solutions will not hold your data any longer than twelve months from the date of your equine's last treatment. Your data will be fully erased if Equine Solutions does not have a legitimate interest/reason to keep it.
When necessary, data may have to be shared with third parties including veterinary surgeons, physiotherapists, osteopaths or Equine Solutions insurers.
At all times the minumum & least sensitive details will be shared.
If any personal data breach is identified, the data controller will notify this without delay to the Information Commisioners Office (ICO) not later than 72 hours of becoming aware of it. Unless the data controller is able to demonstrate that there is no risk to the rights & freedoms of the individual.
If you have any questions or concerns about any of the above, please CONTACT Phil Green.