Treatment Outline

Every horse differse both mentally & physically. As a therapist I can recommend the appropriate techniques to apply based on my assessments on the day. Following my visit I may advise several adaptations to your current training routines. This could include environmental factors, exercises, stretches, other professionals such as Saddler, dentist, bit & bridle, vet or farrier. All of which could be benefitial to your horse's health.

Your horse will be assessed by myself, both statically and dynamically, this may include in hand and ridden work. I will also look at their conformation, posture, muscle asymmetry, hoof balance/shoeing as well as any tack or equipment used. This will be done alongside taking a full medical and lifestyle history. I will also ask that your horse is both walked & trotted up, with turns on small circles. This will enable me to see any possible compensatory issues or inconsistencies in your horse's way of going.

Following on from this I will do an initial palpation, feeling for any areas of tightness/change in muscle tone, inflammation, heat or cold, areas of discomfort or decreased range of movement. All of which form a vital part of the assessment. I will then use a range of specific soft tissue techniques to aid relaxation and recovery, working through any areas that present themselves. I may also decide that other modalities may be required to gain the desired outcome. Horses are stoic animals & as such will very often hide pain. This however can usually be detected once the horse relaxes and the tissues are warmed sufficiently.

Please note that on all inital first visits I ask that you are present.

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