
The FascialEdge® Tool

The fascialedge was created by human and animal chiropractor Andrew Glaister.

The Fascialedge is made from aircraft grade aluminium plated with titanium for a low friction slip. The shape allows it to conform to the horse’s natural body shape.

The FascialEdge® allows me to stretch the Myofascia, which is the connective tissue lying beneath the horses skin. Myofasia not only surrounds the horses muscles, but is also present throughout the entire body. Using the FascialEdge® brings a pleasant, relaxed feeling to the horse, resulting in deep reflex relaxation of the muscles.

The action created by the FascialEdge® stimulates receptors in the superficial fascia and the skin. This decreases tension, increases flexability and facilitates healing. Myofascia can and does become restricted, forming knots and tight bands, as a result of this restriction the horses motion can be restricted. It can also pull the horses body out of alignment which creates a sense of excessive pressure on muscles or joints causing pain.

To understand more about Myofascia and its effects on the horses body. Please click the link below.