Craniosacral Therapy

What is Equine Craniosacral Therapy?

Equine Carniosacral Therapy is an energy based therapy, where very light contact & touch is used through which the flow of Cerebrospinal fluid within the central nervous system can be normalised. It is performed by applying specific hands-on techniques to the horse’s cranium, spine and sacrum mainly but can also be applied to other areas of bony landmarks, using fingertips or cupped hands.

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No manual manipulation is performed here. It is purely the horse wanting to rest its head upon me during the treatment.

It is preferred to perform this ‘sensitive’ treatment in quiet surroundings where the horse is totally relaxed.

Craniosacral Therapy involves no physical manipulations to soft tissue or bones. The exception to this is when I use a manual therapy session. I would conclude the therapy with Craniosacral work.

As with all Equine Therapies it is possible to see immediate results. However if the restrictions or issues have built up over a period of time, it would not be realistic for one treatment to resolve everything. Usually 2 to 3 treatments at weekly intervals should see a significant improvement, similar to manual massage therapy & treatments.

The Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy

* Head shaking.


Pull back injuries.

Dysfunction within the TMJ.

Lumbar issues.


Emotional trauma.

Recovery from a slip or fall.

Discomfort after equine dental work.

Sacroiliac Issues.

Respiratory issues.

Facial nerve discomfort or issues.

Going over backwards.

Blocked tear ducts.

*Head Shaking - Due to an increasing amount of horses now exhibiting this behaviour, every potential cause of head shaking, nodding and tossing needs to be thoroughly assessed.

It is therefore likely that a number of professionals, as well as the owner, will need to be involved and work together to come up with the best possible plan for overcoming the problem.

Prior to undergoing any ‘behavioural’ training for a head shaker, it needs prior examinations to rule out a physical problem which rarely has a quick fix as there can be many reasons for headshaking. Veterarian intervention to establish if there is neural reason, trigeminal nerve pain, infected sinus's, ear infection Etc.